Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Time in Mazatlan

Marina El Cid in Mazatlan. Notice the marlin fish hanging by the tail. The catch and release program isn't as popular here as it is in Cabo San Lucas.

Final preparations for a children's Christmas performance raising funds for their 'home away from home'. Their performances provide money for their group home where they receive an education, dental care, food, clothing, and more options for their future. Many of them live in shanty houses. They are dropped off to their parent(s) in the late evening.  

Below, the market with all the Christmas Pinatas ready to be filled with candy.

This Christmas tree in one of the main plazas is made with coke bottles filled with colored water. We would watch people admire it from a distance and then come up to inspect the bottles.  It was impressive.

Feliz Navidad Y Ano Nuevo a todos!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bahia de Los Muertos

 A three day stop on the way to Mazatlan to Bahia de los Muertos. It's peaceful, serene, and it even has a small, private resort with a swimming pool and great food.

Back in the cactus again. We feel very small next to these 500 year old giants.

Getting into the mood with Christmas decorations and lots of Christmas music.

The surroundings of the small 14 room resort are so beautiful, it seems surreal. We can dinghy in or walk around from on the sandy beach for a margarita or lunch.

The train bar and game room. Entertainment and food.


December 08, 2009

Back to the Boat

Biagio came back to Gem in November.  While we were gone, hurricane Jimena visited Guaymas dumping over 40 inches of rain within a 24 hr. time period.  Our sun screens from the outside windows where they well tied down but missing.  The overall sun covers were all taken off by the marina staff expecting to save them from being shredded.  Other than that, nothing was damaged.

Biagio sailed from Guaymas on the land side back down to LaPaz on the Baja California peninsula side. I flew in to Cabo with 4 suitcases mostly full of things for the boat...sail tape, motors, parts, sunbrella fabric, fishing lures, and an Xbox.     
  Did you know it takes an Xbox to sail???!!??? That's what Biagio told me. It took up a whole smaller suitcase.    I was fortunate to get picked up in a REAL CAR at the airport. Liz and Michael drove down with their car from Seattle so Michael and Biagio drove the 3 1/2 hr. one way trip to pick me up. So nice....  
As far as being back on the boat, it was like I had never been on the boat before...only seen a lot of photos of it. It was VERY surreal. And I didn't have any sea legs at all. (Six months off the boat.) I felt like every time I would get in or out of the dinghy I was likely to fall in. Couldn't remember how to drive the dinghy or start it at all, I'm still looking for switches to turn things on and off, etc. So strange..... But I'm getting used to it and staying dry.  
Photos of Christmas time in Seattle before leaving for LaPaz.