Preparing on Land for Sea

April 2008
It is now mid April. Leaving in August for off shore and who knows where on SV (sailing vessel) Gem. Gem is a Hans Christian - Christina version sail boat that is 43' long. The boat originally sailed from Victoria 7 years ago and spent time anywhere from Victoria BC Canada to New Zealand and Australia. It has been back for 1 year, refitted with many new systems (many of which were not available 7 years ago..including blogs!), new crew (that would be me), and new spirits and dreams of adventure.

Down the coast of the U.S. to start, then continuing on down the coast of Mexico, turning the corner at the Baja Peninsula and on up into LaPaz, the Sea of Cortez and diving and exploring along the western shores.

From there, .... well we'll decide that later. But surely on the 'list' is the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, and we'll make it up from there.

In the meantime, I'll have to get my banking in order, do some fixing on my house, figure out how to get my mail, many little details. But I'm sure they will also work themselves out along the way.

Victoria/Vancouver Group Top photo: Matthew, Adrian, Tia, Anne, Jesse and Biagio (Be Ah' Sjho) 3 Sons and 2 Never Boring Daughter-In-Laws

Seattle Group Lower: Biagio, Jill, Jesse's Long time partner Theresa, son Jesse and the mighty dog Teegan who will gladly stay land bound.

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