Healthy Mexican Food

(Note: Day 3 on the hard in Guaymas. The hull is halfway done. Biagio is busy with the drummel working away at the ‘spots’, and I'm...well here at the pool. Most of the partners have left for home while the guys do some work on the boat before leaving. I'm still here supplying encouragement, water and food.)

Biagio and I both weigh more than we did when we started this journey. We’re trying to lose a little weight and also look for healthy food when we eat out. The steamed fish and vegetables that comes in foil packets are very healthy. Not very popular but healthy and tasty. Corn tortillas are fairly healthy. They aren’t fried and are made solely from corn flour. We also throw in the occasional hamburger because the Sonora beef is so tasty.
Photos: One block away from the marina, temptation and tasty calories.

Last night after Biagio worked hard on the hull all day, and my many trips gathering things in town, we treated ourselves to a little informal corner restaurant about a block up the street. It’s so popular that people are lined up outside the entrance late at night on the weekends. We concluded that it must be delicious and we needed to try it.

“What’s the most popular thing on the menu?”, we asked the waitress in Spanish. With a big smile on her face, she told us hands down it was ‘papas locas’. “Very good, two orders of crazy potatoes.” We ordered it with horchata. The horchata was delicious, just like a cool bowl of liquid rice pudding running down your through with lots of cinnamon.The crazy potatoes came in a large foil packet that stood up. Inside was small pieces of chopped up beef, potatoes, corn and lots of cheese, butter and cream. Uh oh, we shouldn’t have ordered this. It’s probably very tasty. It was. Cheese, cream and butter. Lots of it. We tried to let it drip through our forks but it was hopeless. So we resigned ourselves to enjoying all those fattening calories and leaving as much cream in the bottom as possible. I can see why it’s so popular. Very tasty. But oh, all those calories!